
The Camera Club of Brevard sponsors two different Photo Competitions. A monthly photo competition at each Program Meeting and an Annual Print Competition held at the end of each calendar year. The guidelines differ for each of these photo competitions. Please read them carefully. From time to time the Club may hold monthly print or digital competitions. Guidelines are modified for “digital” on-line competitions as specified below. Members in good standing may participate in Photo Competitions. You can jump ahead to the Annual Photo Competition Guidelines by clicking on this link. . . Annual Print Competition Guidelines

Monthly Competition Guidelines

Further information on submission details and deadlines can be found in Camera Club of Brevard weekly email updates, or in the latest f/Stop newsletter. For digital photo submissions, you can learn how to properly size, name, and submit your digital photo files using Windows and Apple Macintosh personal computers by reading the appropriate article on our Articles/Tutorials page. If you have questions, contact [email protected]

  • Members in good standing may submit one photograph to the Competition Class (Level) of their choice. (See also Creative Class guidelines below)
  • There are two levels of Competition. Class A and Class B, allowing members’ work to be compared to those with similar experience. First time competitors may submit their work to whichever class they believe they best fit. The classes of competition are defined as follows:
    • Class A: Experienced photographers who actively enters photo competitions.
    • Class B: Photographers who may be new to photography, developing photographic skills, or have little experience entering photo competitions.
  • Judges will determine the best photographs from each Class level of competition based upon technical quality, interpretation of the theme, and emotional response in addition to traditional best practices in composition, exposure, and lighting techniques.
  • “Awards of Excellence” will be awarded in each competition class level at the discretion of our competition judge(s). The number of awards in each competition class level are at the sole discretion of the judge(s).
  • Members who achieve one or more Award of Excellence recognitions in Class B are encouraged to move to Class A in future competitions.
  • Photographs must have been taken within the previous 18 months.
  • In an effort to encourage the originality and vision of our members, a professionally staged photo or photos created in a workshop are discouraged.
  • Images or parts of images created by text-to-image Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not allowed. Neither is clip art, stock photos, stock skies, etc. Elements within the photograph that are not the sole creation of the maker will disqualify the photograph.
  • Another person’s artwork, such as a painting, a photograph, sculpture, street art, etc. may be included in an image as long as there is evidence that the maker used the artwork as only a part of their own image in an effort to tell a story or to create an interesting visual. An image that only documents another person’s artwork cannot be submitted for competitions.
  • Monthly contest images that have been awarded “Excellence Awards” CANNOT be re-submitted for future monthly contests but are eligible for the Annual Print Competition.
  • Photographs must represent the monthly theme. See Monthly Competition Themes here.
  • One or more judges will determine the awarded images.
  • Photo entries must be sent to [email protected] as an attached file by the deadline date specified in CCB emails or newsletters announcing the photo competition. Typically the deadline is the 25th of the current month for the next month’s competition.
  • Digital files must be resized to 2000 pixels on the longest side. Large files will not be accepted.
  • Files must be renamed to include the photographer’s full name and the “Class” being entered. Example – (your name) (Class A or Class B).jpg
  • For Creative Class competitions files must be named as (your name) Creative.jpg

  • For Print Competitions (not held routinely in monthly competitions)
  • Please write your name on the back of the photograph mount or mat. Watermarks or names must not appear on the front of the photograph.
  • Photographs are to be no larger than 15 inches on a side (note: see panorama sizes).
  • Photographs are to be no smaller than 7 inches on a side.  Photographs with special printing techniques may be smaller.
  • For panorama images, defined as a photograph with a minimum 2:1 ratio long side to short, the maximum long side shall be no more than 20 inches.  For example, a 2:1 ratio image shall have a maximum size of 20 inches long side to 10 inches short side.  A 3:1 ratio image shall have a 20 inch maximum long side and 6 2/3 inch on the short side.  The maximum size mount/matte for a panorama photograph shall be no larger than 20 inches per side.
  • Photographs must be mounted or matted. Framed or gallery wrapped photographs are not allowed. The maximum size of a mount/matte shall not exceed 20 inches per side.
  • Ribbon-Winning Competitors in Print Competitions are asked to send a digital file copy (2000 px on the longest side) of their winning photo to [email protected] for display on the Club’s website.
Creative Class guidelines for Open Themed Months

For the months that are “Open Themed” contest themes, we will include an additional Creative Class.  The Creative Class is designed for images that have been obviously manipulated to present an altered reality image from the original photograph.  This category is designed to showcase the imagination of the photographer, as well as the photographer’s skill with image editing or manipulation.  Images in this Creative Class category will be judged on their imagination, creativity, uniqueness, and editing.  This class would also include film photographers’ creative use of film exposure and darkroom techniques creating altered reality within film-based photography. 

For Digital Competitions: Files must be sized and named similar to the monthly contest guidelines above. Files must be renamed as (your name) Creative.jpg . Images or parts of images created by text-to-image Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not allowed. Neither is clip art, stock photos, stock skies, etc. Elements within the photograph that are not the sole creation of the maker will disqualify the photograph. All CCB members may enter one Creative Class image, as well as one image in either Class A or Class Competition Level in the “Open Themed” monthly contests.

For Print Competitions: The size of the photograph and the size of the mount/matte for the photograph shall be the same as in the print guidelines above. You may at your discretion attach a small photograph of the original image/s, or a description of your creative process, to the back of your Creative Class photograph.  This will allow CCB members to see how you created your Creative Class photograph.  Note, the contest judges will not view your original photograph or description on the back of your submitted photograph Images or parts of images created by text-to-image Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not allowed. Neither is clip art, stock photos, stock skies, etc. Elements within the photograph that are not the sole creation of the maker will disqualify the photograph.  All CCB members may enter up to one Creative Class photograph, as well as one photograph in either Class A or Class B in the “Open Themed” monthly contests.

2024 Annual Photo Print Competition Guidelines

The following guidelines reflect the Print submission requirements for the 2024 competition.

  • There are two Divisions of competition: Black and White photographs and Color photographs.  A Black and White photograph is defined as a photograph using shades of black, white, and grey or equivalent shades of a single color tone (e.g. sepia, selenium, or other toning).  The use of two or more color tones (e.g. selenium tinted shadows with sepia tinted highlights) is not allowed in this division.  Conformance to the Black and White division will be decided by the contest judges.
  • In an effort to encourage the originality and vision of our members, a professionally staged photo or photos created in a workshop are discouraged.
  • Images or parts of images created by text-to-image Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not allowed. Neither is clip art, stock photos, stock skies, etc. Elements within the photograph that are not the sole creation of the maker will disqualify the photograph
  • All photographs will be judged as one Class (no Class A or Class B).
  • Members in good standing may enter up to two photographs in each Division.
  • Photographs must have been taken within the previous 24 months.
  • Photographs entered in previous Annual Photo Competitions are not eligible.
  • There are no themes for this competition.
  • Printed Photographs are to be no larger than 15 inches on a side (note: see panorama sizes).
  • Printed Photographs are to be no smaller than 7 inches on a side.  Photographs with special printing techniques may be smaller.
  • For panorama images, defined as a photograph with a minimum 2:1 ratio long side to short, the maximum long side shall be no more than 20 inches.  For example, a 2:1 ratio image shall have a maximum size of 20 inches long side to 10 inches short side.  A 3:1 ratio image shall have a 20 inch maximum long side and 6 2/3 inch on the short side.  The maximum size mount/matte for a panorama photograph shall be no larger than 20 inches per side.
  • Photographs must be mounted or matted. Mounts and/or mattes shall be black, white, black and white, or white and black only. To facilitate handling and transport, prints that are “Matted” must be also mounted on backing material such as foam board, or mat board no thicker than 3/16 of an inch. The maximum size of a mount/matte shall not exceed 20 inches per side.
  • Prints wrapped in cellophane, prints taped to the back of an open window matte without backing material, prints loosely mounted and falling off backing materials, prints with projections or hangers on the back, and prints with tape or other foreign material that may damage prints laid beneath them are not acceptable and shall be disqualified.
  • If an image is not approved, the maker may make the required changes or submit another image for approval if there is time before the end of the submission period. If the maker does not respond in a timely manner, the image will be excluded from competition.
  • Framed or gallery wrapped photographs are not allowed. The maximum size of a mount/matte shall not exceed 20 inches per side.
  • Each photograph must have the photographer’s name and phone number on the back of the photograph matte/print.  No names or identifying logos shall be on the front of the photograph.
  • Deadline for entries will be at the November Camera Club meeting.  All photographs must be brought to the November Camera Club meeting to be eligible for this competition, or at the discretion of the President.
  • Three individuals in the field of photography or members of the art community will judge the photographs.  These judges may not be members of the Camera Club of Brevard.  Judging the photographs will be at the very high standards associated with juried photograph exhibits.
  • Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Color photographs will be awarded rosette ribbons.
  • Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place B/W photographs will be awarded rosette ribbons.
  • There will be ten “Award of Distinction” photographs awarded in the categories below.  Rosette ribbons will be awarded to the ten Award of Distinction photographers.  The Award of Distinction photographs will be chosen from the photographs that did not receive a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the overall Color and Black/White print competition.  The judges will determine the placement of the Award of Distinction photographs and award ribbons in the following categories:
  • Landscape
  • Flora
  • Fauna – Avian
  • Fauna – Other than Avian
  • Macro
  • Urban (includes buildings, structures, architecture)
  • Abstract
  • People/Persons
  • Fine Art
  • Creative – As Defined in the Creative Class.
  • Two “People’s Choice Awards” will be awarded from all of the photographs entered in the competition.  The voting for this award will take place during the Annual Print Competition and Party. All attendees can have one vote for Black and White and one vote for Color photographs. A rosette ribbon will be awarded.
  • Awarded photographs, except for the “People’s Choice Award” will receive prizes.  Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the Color and B/W categories will receive $70.00, $50.00, and $30.00 respectively.  Award of Distinction winners will receive $20.00.  There will be no cash prize for the People’s Choice Award.
  • The winning photographs of the Annual Print Competition will be announced at the Camera Club of Brevard’s Annual Print Competition Party held in December.
  • All possible and reasonable care will be given while handling entries in all Print Competitions. However, the club cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage of any entry. It is the responsibility of each CCB member to pick up his or her entries after each print competition.

Highlights for the 2024 Annual Print Competition

  • This contest is a print competition
  • Photographs must have been taken in the previous 24 months prior to November 1, 2024.
  • The deadline for submissions is at the end of the CCB November Program meeting, November 5, 2024.  This is a firm date.
  • Awarded photographs will be announced at the CCB Annual Print Competition Dinner.