School Is Now In Session!

All the students here in Brevard County are back in class after the holiday season and the members of the Camera Club of Brevard are no different. I have previously alluded to the concept of providing more photographic education opportunities for you in 2025.


We will be offering three 30-45 minute tutorials via ZOOM on a variety ofphotographic subjects. Details regarding subject matter, dates, times andpresenter are forthcoming. This is your opportunity to learn from experts inthe comfort of your own room.

Monthly Critiques

In the past we have neglected offering critiques to non -winning competitionentries; mostly due to time constraints at the end of our meetings. The Boardof Directors has discussed having a second monthly meeting just forcompetitions in order to free up more presentation and social time at themonthly meetings. Ultimately we decided to offer a ZOOM critique each month onthe second day after the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting. All entries willbe available for discussion in an open forum and will be anonymous. This willtake effect on Thursday, February 6th. These critiques will be offered on atrial basis to gauge participation and will be monitored by Gordon Elwell.

Advanced Critiques

Late in 2024 I asked Richard Thomson and Chuck Palmer to analyze ourcompetition structure and to make suggestions for improvement. They created aplan for both tutorials and critiques we are implanting as of February. Theplan: In April, July and October our competition theme
is OPEN + CREATIVE. These are popular competitions and we have madearrangements with three photo experts to critique all of our OPEN categoryentries. The CREATIVE category entries will not be critiqued. What a greatopportunity to learn from trained critique experts!

It’s All About You.

We are making a huge effort in volunteer time to offer these photo educationopportunities. A lot goes on behind the scenes to make this happen so pleasetake advantage of these efforts on your behalf. And this is in addition to aterrific 2025 lineup of speakers, workshops and field trips. We are alsoimproving our website and email communications. Please read the email updates2x each month and check the website for detailed information on all events.

The goal: to make each of you a better photographer. You’re welcome.

John Buck, Headmaster

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